Join Worldreader.
Get the whole world reading.

People who read achieve better educational success, improve their earning potential, and lead healthier, happier lives. By joining forces with Worldreader as a partner or supporter, you can help readers across the globe build a better world.

Learn about how we are supporting children around the world with Keep Children Reading.

The need is urgent. The world is in the midst of a global learning crisis.

53 percent of children in low- and middle-income countries cannot read and understand a simple story by the end of primary school. The Covid-19 pandemic has worsened educational inequalities worldwide. As the leading digital reading specialist, Worldreader works with partners to address this crisis by bringing digital books to millions of children and youth.

See the latest updates.

Enjoy the latest stories about readers and books, hear from experts in the sector, and learn more about the power of digital reading.

“Our community will be changed for the better” – A Conversation with Ann Hagaman

Reading has the power to change the lives of children and the communities they live in. Few people know this…

“Wakenya, Be Fearless” – A Conversation with Rebecca Chandler Leege and Olivia Kimani

Kenya’s President William Ruto recently traveled to the United States in an event described by the White House as a…

Worldreader Announces Grantees of 2024 Let’s Get Children Reading Grant

International EdTech nonprofit Worldreader is excited to announce the selection of grantees for the 2024 Let’s Get Children Reading Grant.…

Reading Access for Refugees: The Importance of Books for Displaced Peoples

Stories change lives. For refugee children, reading can make all the difference in times of crisis and help them find…

Maximize Learning: Parent Tips to Plan a Fun Summer Reading List for Kids

Find some of our tips for creating a reading list and program to help children make the most of their…

Help support millions more readers.

Everyone in the world deserves the power, opportunity, and joy that reading brings.
Whether you’re a partner, donor, or funder – we can do even more together.

The following data was updated on November 29th, 2021.


cumulative readers


hours reading


books read

Keep Children Reading is addressing Covid-19 school disruptions.

Keep Children Reading is a distance-learning initiative to support vulnerable children during the Covid-19 education crisis and beyond.
For vulnerable students across the world, the threat of Covid-19, an education system in crisis, and a lack of traditional resources like libraries and community centers, have made the need for a digital reading solution more urgent than ever. Worldreader’s Keep Children Reading program gives parents and caregivers access to a library from their mobile phones so they can support their children’s learning while school disruptions persist.

Together, we’re changing the lives of
readers in 48 countries and counting.

Worldreader supports reading programs in six regions, while readers across 48 countries benefit from our digital library.
With your support or partnership, we can expand the reach.

Learn about the approach that gets results.

Support readers around the world with solutions that combine books, technology, and programming.




Children and youth benefit from a library of  thousands of high-quality, culturally relevant books that inspire and educate.

Trainings for schools, libraries, and families ensure that readers get the most out of reading programs. 

Whether it’s through e-readers, tablets, or mobile phones, readers benefit from a digital library on affordable, state-of-the-art devices.

Join the world’s leading change-makers.
Partner with Worldreader today.

We partner with hundreds of publishers – from small local publishers to internationally renowned publishers – to bring the right library of books to readers.

Penguin Random House logo

We work closely with governments, nonprofits, and public and private schools to co-implement digital reading solutions that boost learning outcomes.  

We partner with some of the world’s leading corporate organizations who share our vision. Together, we reach more readers with better solutions every day. 

Foundations that support our work share our belief  that digital reading provides an accessible and cost-effective solution to getting more people reading. 

Donate and change a life >

Your donation will bring books to children and youth, so they can improve their futures. Your support will be felt for generations to come.