Lifelong Reading Program

Reading for Life

Education and learning, far from being limited to a period of attendance at school, should extend throughout life.

How we work

The Lifelong Reading program leverages our Worldreader app, data analytics, and partnerships with publishers and mobile phone providers to empower youth and adults to access books on their mobile devices.

Key Projects


 In 2018, Worldreader launched avanzaLee (move forward, read in Spanish) — a pilot project aimed at developing a grassroots implementation model that will foster a reading culture in Latin America, with a  focus on Mexico.

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In 2016, Worldreader launched Anasoma (She/He reads in Kiswahili), a pilot that aims to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment, while increasing female participation in mobile reading.

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Our progress


Readers reached since 2010

Thousands of

Books available to our lifelong readers


Countries with lifelong readers

Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our Lifelong Reading work supports the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 4, target 4.4, which strives to substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.

It also supports Goal number 5, target 5.8, which is focused on enhancing the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.

Meet our readers

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Lifelong reading for women’s empowerment

Our Anasoma project aims to promote gender equality by increasing women and girls’ access to an online library.