Our Supporters

A special thank you to all the generous supporters who help us get children reading.

We are grateful to our supporters
for their generous donations

We are grateful to the individuals and families who have supported

Worldreader’s mission to get children reading. To see what we have

been up to lately, please check out our 2023 Annual Report.

Our most recent
online donors

Martha Loach
Christine Gentes
Kristina Belfiore
Dawn Boatman
Brianna Brown
Fernando Sancho
John McGrath
Donna Reid
Terrel Lefferts
Phillip Olson
Richard Siegel
Veronica Gutierrez
Brian Pratt
Caroline Shaw
Nalorm Tay-Agbozo
Inkitt GmbH
marilyn lairsey
Wayne Burnett
Robert Bielecki
Rebecca Leege
Martha Loach
Christine Gentes
Patricia Goldstein
Brianna Brown
Lisa Freeman
Rene Pelegero
Joanne Greenfield
Rachel Dober
Lorraine Nicholson
Deborah Katzman
Fernando Sancho
John Hradnansky
Stephen Sprague
Dana Reid
Epignosis LLC
Lawrence Hitchon
Kerry Knott
Caleb Mason
John McGrath
Donna Reid
Rachel Sommer
Robert Eisenman
Cheryl Eames
Phillip Olson
Richard Siegel
Veronica Gutierrez
Brian Pratt
Readict Team

2021 Donors and Supporters

We thank these donors for their support,
some of whom provided annual gifts and others multi-year pledges.

Founders Circle


Charles and Lorie Brighton

Alan and Vic Caplan

Chris Capossela and Leigh Toner

Bill and Lynn Carr

Richard and Kathie Dalzell

Adam Gross

Andrew and Elana Jassy

Atul Khanna and Amna Naseer

Jason and Jamie Kilar

Neen and Kirk Koenigsbauer

Dave Limp

Steve and Heather Murch

Lauri and Greg Nakamoto

Tod and Allison Nielsen

Charles Phillips

Alison and David Rich

Brian and Ann Roberts

Neil Roseman and Rose Tatlow

Praveen Seshadri and Ranjani Ramamurthy

Singer Family Foundation

Mike Sundermeyer and Carrie Anderson

David and Nancy Thacher


David Zapolsky and Lynn Hubbard

The Epic Circle

$500,000 – $1,000,000 and above

Charles and Lorie Brighton

Chris Capossela and Leigh Toner

Otis and Elizabeth Chandler Foundation

Cynthia and Steve Hammer

Kate James and Hans Bishop

Andrew and Elana Jassy

Shel Kaphan and Ericka Lock

Skip and Kimberly Klintworth

Tod and Allison Nielsen

Stephen Reidy

Jennifer and David Risher

Sue and Duff Sanderson

Peter and April Spiro

Karen Van Dusen and Joel Spiegel

Jeffrey and Liesl Wilke

The Anthology Circle

$250,000 – $499,999

Nathan and Stephanie Reis

Brad and Alys Smith

David and Nancy Thacher

The Novel Circle

$100,000 – $249,999

Donna Bellew

Peter and Elisabetta Mallinson

Lauri and Greg Nakamoto

Sudha Neelakantan and Venky Harinarayan

Dwight and Renee Smith

Mike Sundermeyer and Cari Anderson

The Poetry Circle

$25,000 – $99,999


Fraser and Dierdre Black

Adam Bosworth

Alan Caplan and Vic North

Adam Gross

Larry Hitchon and Dana Reid

Brad Horwitz

Hunter Family Giving Fund

Dana Johnson and Mark Nelson

Kirk and Neen Koenigsbauer

Dave Limp

Paul Maritz

Kartik Raghavan

Neil Roseman and Rose Tatlow

Praveen Seshadri and Ranjani Ramamurthy

Singer Family Foundation

Star Soltan


$10,000 – $24,999


Craig and Susan Bruya

Bill and Lynn Carr

Jenifer Jacobi

Kosmo Kalliarekos

Donald Niemann

Diego Piacentini and Monica Nicoli

Cintra Pollack

Alison and David Rich


$5,000 – $9,999

Tom Alberg and Judi Beck

Stan and Sophie Beraznik

Brad Chase

Sandra Cisneros

Liz and Luke Dollar

Pam Fleischer

John Jameson

Timothy and Jennifer Kingston

Guillermo Lock

Edward and Polly Nicholson

Matthew E. Russell Foundation

Josh Schweitzer and Mary Sue Milliken

Jeff and Laura Shell

George and Cherry Snelling

Julie Tafel Klaus

David Thompson and Judy Jesiolowski

Paul Van Der Wansem

Paige and Bob Vanosky

David Zapolsky and Lynn Hubbard


$2,500 – $4,999

Esther Flammer

Steve Kessel and Sibyl Frankenburg

Colleen and Clyde Mcqueen

Harrison Miller and Clare McCamy

Lindsay and Patti Paxton Eberts

Arthur and Kate Sawyer

Autumn Schwed

Robert Short and Emer Dooley

John and Martha Stewart


$1,000 – $2,499

Gary and Judy Amado

Joan Anderson

Abigail Bach

Juanita Baker

Stan Beraznik

Laura Balkovich

Clara Barreneche

Greg and Lynn Baugher

Stephen Beili

Samantha Bennett

Robert Bielecki

Neil Black and Sherri Wolson

Richard Bushell

Pamela Bynum

Jordan Carlson

Mary Case

Rebecca and David Leege

Colleen and Dave Chase

James Collett

Richard Coppola

William and Virginia Cressey

Delanson Crist

Jeanne Crosno

Duke Dang

Antonio Delgado Planas

Jacqueline Dupree

Megan and Fred Eiden

Anna Ford

Jeff Freedman

Stephanie and Jim Gamble

Paul Garner and Clair Hector

Carl Gish

Jane and Andy Greenthal

Max Greenwald

Greg Hart

Lucy Hattingh

Ashley Hodapp

Nancy Horie

Kent Johnson and Gillian Thomson

Brewster Kahle and Mary Austin

Jacquie Labatt

Wilfrido Loor Canizares

Nicholas Lovejoy

Lori Massad

Mattoon Family Giving Fund

Colin McElwee

Frances and Mac Merenda

Lucie Murray

Tamra Myers

Brandy Netherton

Barbara Niemann

Dr. Robert L Nussbaum

Jed and Sarah Nussdorf

Craig and Teresa Pape

Rene Pelegero

Bea Y. Perdue

Nicole Philip

Bhanu Potta

Brian and Carrie Pratt

Anand Ramdeo

Nicolas Roux

Fernando Sancho

Lori and Ron Saxton

Nalorm Tay-Agbozo

Clare Trevail Joy

Kate Walbert

Rob Walsh

Richard Ward and Cheryl Capriola

Lori Wright

Deborah Yeh and Mark Risher

Bobby Yerramilli-Rao

Hayley Young

Adrian Zackheim

These lists reflect our supporters as of December 2021.

Thank you for getting children reading

We are grateful for your support. For more information, please reach out via this contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!