Booklists | January 10, 2023

9 Books to Teach Children About Their Emotions in 2023


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As children grow up, they collect new and exciting experiences. These can be accompanied by feelings and emotions that children have not yet encountered or know how to process. Learning how to handle these reactions is an important part of young readers becoming their best empathetic, compassionate, and healthy selves. Help your child have a positive year and improve their communication through emotional education. 

When children read, they have the opportunity to enhance their emotional intelligence. This social-emotional development helps children thrive in their education, relationships, and futures

From anger to fear and sadness, these stories will teach children about their emotions and how to process them in a healthy way. Our BookSmart app has thousands of digital books to make understanding children’s feelings easier.


Brave Bora

Brave Bora by Edna Gicovi

Published by Book Dash

Ages 0-5

Going to the doctor can be scary! Can Bora overcome his fears, with a little help from Baba and Jojo?

► Become bold and brave here.

► Leer en español aquí.


The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room by Sam Wilson

Published by Book Dash

Ages 6-8

Lindi finds a very large elephant in her room. But is it really there if no one else believes in it?

► Learn how to fight frustration here.


Remembering Mommy

Remembering Mommy by Carole Bloch

Published by New Africa Books

Ages 6-8

Sithembile and Themba’s mother has died and they miss her very much. Although they are sad, they come to realize that they are cared for and are not alone. This book is a useful starting point for talking to young children about death and grief.

► Learn how to navigate loss here.


Angry Akku

Angry Akku: Level 2 by Vinayak Varma

Published by Pratham Books

Ages 6-8

Akku is having an awful day and it’s making her very angry. Read this book to find out how Akku’s anger melts away, and get ideas on what to do when you are very angry.

► Create an outlet for anger here.


Feeling Sad

Feeling Sad by Dolphin Press

Published by Dolphin Press

Ages 0-5

This book helps children identify, understand, and accept when they are feeling sadness.

► See how to deal with sadness here.

► Leer en español aquí.


Feeling Jealous

Feeling Jealous by Dolphin Press

Published by Dolphin Press

Ages 6-8

This book helps children identify, understand, and accept when they feel jealous.

► Get a jump on jealousy here.


Sizwe's Smile

Sizwe’s Smile by Vianne Venter

Published by Book Dash

Ages 6-8

Join Sizwe as he learns that a smile is something you can give away without losing it.

► Share a joyful smile here.


Keep Calm, It Will Be Fine

Keep Calm, It Will Be Fine by Rosie Linder and Paulina Olsson

Published by Peppy Pals

Ages 6-8

Kelly, Gabby and Izzy feel stressed at school. Through different exercises, they learn how to calm down. This book is about the ways in which stress can affect us and how a deep breath, music, and play can help us manage it.

► Learn to alleviate stress here.

► Leer en español aquí.


Scared Tumi

Scared Tumi by Mohale Mashigo

Published by Book Dash

Ages 6-8

Join Tumi as his mother helps him confront the monster under his bed and shows him that everything is okay.

► Learn how to face your fears here.

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