Our Work in Latin America

Worldreader works with communities, families, institutions, and organizations in Peru to get children reading so they can reach their potential. Discover our work.

Worldreader in Peru

Our Impact

Hear from the readers

Discover how CreceLee supported family reading during COVID-19 and beyond


With the support of the Kaphan Foundation and in partnership with World Vision, we designed CreceLee, a holistic school-to-home digital reading program, to support primary school students. The five-year program launched in 2019 with the aim of supporting 10,000 students by bringing tablets and our BookSmart reading solution to 20 public primary schools. In December 2022, CreceLee had already grown to support 75 schools and 42,000+ children through BookSmart. We're now expanding CreceLee to reach 170 schools across 7 regions.

Santiago Cueto

“CreceLee is at the forefront of providing a digital approach to help Peru recover from the years lost [during the pandemic.]” –  Santiago Cueto, Executive Director at GRADE (Group for the Analysis of Development)

“All children and families around the world need this type of support. My daughter’s life really changed since she started reading”. – Mariosis

Lesly and her son read on BookSmart

“Before, he was too shy to read out aloud . . . But I have seen the change: He can express himself better and his words flow” – Lesly

Gilia Gutierrez

As the Moquegua’s Regional Government, we are going to support the implementation of CreceLee, a very important initiative that we believe will contribute to the regional policy that we have in favor of education and the goal of improving the reading outcomes of children in the region.” –  Gilia Gutierrez Ayala, Moquegua’s Regional Governor (Peru)

Support our work in Peru and get children reading

Reading is the foundation of all learning, and a child’s best chance to reach their potential. Together, we can get children reading around the world.

A child is read to from a mobile phone

Give children and their families access to thousands of books and engaging activities in Spanish that will help them reach their potential.

Three Peruvian school children read on BookSmart

Support CreceLee and programs focused on reading comprehension, emotional intelligence, and digital literacy skills.

A child reads on BookSmart from a smartphone

Provide training and continuous support for educators, caregivers, and reading champions so they can read to and with children.

Visit our website in Spanish

Visit our website in Spanish

Learn more about CreceLee, meet our team and partners, and discover our initiatives in Latin America by exploring our website in Spanish.

Read books in Spanish on BookSmart

Readers are drawn to content in their own language and stories that reflect the world they live in. BookSmart is our free digital reading experience, available in Spanish and several other global and local languages. Explore our vast Spanish and dual-language collections on any device.

We’re reaching children and parents on any device

We’re reaching children and parents on any device.

We’re leveraging mobile technology to reach Peruvian families on devices they already own. BookSmart is available anytime, anywhere, at the touch of a finger.

  • Thousands of books available online and offline on any device including mobile phones, computers, tablets, and more
  • Multiple languages, including Arabic, English, Hindi, Kiswahili, and Spanish plus several local languages depending on the user’s location
  • Fun learning activities and reading challenges that promote reading skills and emotional intelligence
  • Tips to support Peruvian children and caregivers every step of their reading journey

We’re working with partners to support communities across the country

Working in vulnerable communities requires expertise and long-standing local leadership. We’re proud to be partnering with organizations that have years of experiences in delivering reading programs and educational support to the children who need it most.

A school class sits down to listen to the teacher read from BookSmart

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