Our Partners

We partner with hundreds of local and global organizations to tackle the global learning crisis. Together, we get children reading so they can reach their potential.

Implementation partners

The Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) scaled digital reading to all 61 Kenyan public libraries with Worldreader’s support. KNLS has taken full ownership of the project since it was implemented, ensuring the sustainability and continued expansion of the project in the coming years.

The governments and school systems we work with are looking to bring their reading programs to the next level

With Worldreader solutions, bringing digital reading to schools, libraries, and youth centers can be easy and scalable.

Our affordable solutions deliver a combination of the right books, 21st Century technology, and supportive programming to help our partners boost their reading programs, improve learning outcomes, and help readers thrive. Learn about Worldreader’s BookSmart solution. 

Publishing partners

Publishers who partner with Worldreader are in great company

Join our many publishers who are contributing towards making the world’s most inspiring library accessible to under-resourced communities.

As part of the partnership, Worldreader shares key insights with our publishers that allow them to understand reading behavior in different regions and identify promising new markets.

If you are a publisher and would like to donate some of your books to the Worldreader digital library, please send us a link to your catalogue. We’ll review the list and get in touch.

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To date, Bonnier has donated more than 80 titles to Worldreader, bringing their children’s books to readers in the Global South. In the first three months of our partnership, over 245,000 readers had already read a total of 1.7 million pages!

Corporate partners

Opera Provides fast and innovative web browsers to more than 350 million people. As part of our partnership, Opera has put our digital library of thousands of books in front of more than 20 million users across Africa who can enjoy reading anytime, anywhere.

Corporates understand the huge value in giving the next generation access to reading

Young people account for nearly one-third of the current global population. Yet today, 64% of ten-year-olds cannot read and understand a simple story. We’re in the mids of a global learning crisis that puts our shared future at risk.

The benefits of investing in young readers’ potential radiate through their communities, ensuring progress towards sustainable development.

Our corporate partners believe in the power of digital reading to transform the lives of children. These partners donate their time, money, services, and products to get children reading. 

Worldreader is seeking corporate partners looking to scale their impact worldwide. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate as we help readers build a better world.

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Foundations are investing in digital reading to help the world achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 requires stronger solutions than ever before at an unprecedented rate and scale. Foundations are already playing a key role in funding non-profits, like Worldreader, that are working to achieve the SDGs.

Reading is key to achieving the SDGs and foundations that partner with Worldreader have understood that digital reading provides an accessible and cost-effective solution to getting more children reading.

Worldreader would welcome the opportunity to be a partner in your foundation’s efforts to achieve further impact at a large scale. 

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The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation believe that when we give women and girls the right tools, they can lift themselves out of poverty. In 2017, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was the principal funder of Worldreader’s Anasoma project, which sought to increase women and girls’ participation in mobile reading, so they could transform their lives.