
October 2018

Publishers in African countries have started to experience the advantages of digital technologies, like learning from data and reaching broader and more diverse audiences across borders.

May 2017

The Anasoma Research has presented initial findings of the first sprint of the Anasoma Research aimed at identifying barriers of and drivers to female mobile readership in Kenya.

July 2018

This report by Worldreader and the Kenya National Library Service shows the success of LEAP 2.0 and how the national scale-up of project LEAP provided librarians across Kenya the opportunity to put their unique spin on a digital reading project.

July 2018

In Kenyan libraries, Worldreader and knls’s LEAP program highlighted five key insights for moving from pilot to country-level scale and that can contribute to strengthening an effective ecosystem of technology-enriched educational programs.

July 2018

This report describes the research process, methodology and critical findings that enables Worldreader, and others, to positively influence gender norms and stereotypes by exposing users to empowering content on applications.

May 2017

Worldreader, in collaboration with Society for All-Round Development (SARD), designed and deployed a Read to Kids digital reading program, which focused on improving early reading development with an emphasis on increased teacher, parental, and caregiver engagement.

March 2016

The new e-reader models that Worldreader has been deploying over the past three years have stood up to hard use with low breakage rates.

January 2017

This report highlights the importance of access to books and the need for a format neutral approach to reading programs in the Global South.

October 2010

iREAD is Worldreader’s pilot e-reading study in Ghana, which aims to give Ghana public school students access to free digital books using e-reader technology.

May 2016

This report by Brookings details where and how quality education has scaled in low- and middle-income countries, featuring Worldreader as a case study.

November 2015

Renewable energy isn’t simply keeping e-readers charged, but is re-energizing entire communities around education as children get increasing access to digital books.

April 2015

Libraries in Kenya using Worldreader e-readers with free ebooks saw monthly visits triple, revitalizing those libraries as hubs for information and knowledge.