Worldreader Helps Educate Vulnerable Youth about Coronavirus
10 Educational Technology Solutions for COVID-19 Out-of-School Children
Opera Partners Worldreader to Bridge Learning Gap in Africa Amid Covid-19 Outbreak
Opera and Worldreader expand access to free ebooks for children and students in Africa during the Covid-19 outbreak
Julius Meinl: la tazzina di caffè solidale per i Bambini delle Fate
Literacy Software for Kids Market (2020-2026) Size,Share Metrics | Industry Report Forecast by 2026 | Samsung, Worldreader, Reading Rockets
Empresas y ONG, unidas por la tecnología y el bien común
EdTech: A technical approach to flexible and cost-effective education
Ghana’s Akua Serwaa Amankwah Wins Worldreader ‘Inspire Us’ Writing Competition
Worldreader tablets have revamped reading in libraries
Worldreader Added 3 Million Users in 2018
Learners at Kibra Laini Saba Primary School Benefit From Digital Library
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