
8 Women Leading the Way in Digital Technology


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Women in Tech: Inspiration, No Fairytales tells the stories of 30 female role models in the tech world. We're proud to be bringing these inspiring stories to millions of women via our Worldreader app. Here we feature eight of the incredible women highlighted in the book.

Mother in Delhi Reads to Child using Worldreader


"A mother in Delhi reads to her young son on Worldreader. Her son’s participation and enthusiasm is adorable. But more than that, we’re witnessing the future of reading. Worldreader is running a pilot program in India called Mobile Reading to Children that seeks to promote literacy skills by encouraging parents to read to and with their young children (age 0-6). Parents and caregivers have access to a free digital library of high quality, locally relevant titles and educational materials through any mobile phone thanks to Worldreader’s app technology."

Margaret’s Story: A Teacher Who Was Illiterate Just a Few Years Ago


worldreader keep children reading

Until very recently, Margret was illiterate. Margret went back to school just a few years ago, at an adult education center and even though she had never learned to read or write, she quickly became the center's top student. The center was so impressed that they decided to offer Margaret a teaching job. But books are scarce and expensive where Margaret lives. That's why she uses Worldreader on her mobile phone to teach her students, to read and to read with her own children.

Worldreader Mobile 2014


A feature phone is a learning tool. Using extreme data compression and cloud-based processing, people with inexpensive feature phones can now read books and stories on Worldreader Mobile. A book app that is empowering people in the developing world with e-books and knowledge.

Introducing Worldreader Mobile


Worldreader, together with partner biNu, announces a new tool to provide books to millions of people on a tool they already own-- their mobile phone. Worldreader Mobile empowers millions of people with e-books and the life-changing ideas inside them.