
November 2014

Worldreader is improving reading in Africa, as early primary students read more and better after 18 months in an e-reader program, improving their literacy rates.

September 2014

As many as 10,000 people have been impacted by Project LEAP (Libraries, E-Reading, Activities and Partnership). Free ebooks on e-readers in libraries are increasing reading in Africa.

May 2014

The baseline report of Project LEAP (Libraries, e-Reading, Activities and Partnership), seeking to improve reading in Africa, was led by Worldreader in eight libraries in Kenya, and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

April 2014

This UNESCO report surveyed 4,330 existing Worldreader users in seven countries. Worldreader and its users were the subject of the first-ever study of mobile reading habits in the developing world.

November 2013

Worldreader’s e-readers in schools loaded with free digital books are now more durable than ever, changing the way people read in Africa.

September 2013

With ebooks on e-readers provided through Worldreader’s iREAD program, this report shows that primary students doubled their reading speed and comprehension, helping them read more and read better.

July 2013

iREAD 2 study started in January 2013 and aimed to improve literacy skills among Ghanaian primary students using e-readers in schools.

May 2013

Some Worldreader literacy programs are located off the electric grid entirely. Worldreader is using solar power to solve this problem and provide access to digital books to all schools.

October 2011

Worldreader helped students read during their school break by setting up the iREAD Vacation School by allowing them to check out e‐readers and read in the classroom. The high level of participation showed that iREAD is increasing reading in Africa.

January 2012

USAID conducted an independent evaluation of Worldreader’s iREAD program in Ghana. The study shows that iREAD increased student literacy with improvements in oral reading fluency, reading comprehension, and positive reading habits.

December 2010

Worldreader, in partnership with the Ghana Ministry of Education, provided e-readers to schools in Ghana through its iREAD program. E-readers and free ebooks get kids to read more and become more literate.

March 2010

Worldreader launched the first e-reader project in Africa at OrphanAid Africa School in Ghana in 2010, which seek to evaluate the potential of digital reading in developing world classrooms.