5 Books to Read With Your Child on Earth Day

At Worldreader, we believe that readers build a better world. Part of that means leaving the Earth even cleaner and healthier than we found it. A great way to teach children environmentally conscientious habits is through reading. Whether they’re thumbing through conservation tips or reading about wildlife and how to protect it, books are the perfect way for young readers to learn about how to take care of their planet.
With so many fantastic books about conservation, our free BookSmart app is a great way to celebrate Earth Day with your family. Dive into stories about water pollution or meet environmental world-changers! Here are a few green go-to’s you won’t want to miss.

Wild For Life by Lisa Rolls and Diego Otero
Published by Comics Uniting Nations
Ages 6-8
“Wild for Life” is a story about what children can do to help the planet. Animals are endangered. Poachers kill them to get fur and ivory to sell. But it can’t keep going on this way. Animals and trees come together to find a solution. Kirabo is a child deemed by mother nature to be the one to help them. The boy with the help of his sister and modern technology steps up to bring a change.
► Read it in English here.
► Leer en español aquí.

I am Earth by Thembinkosi Kohli
Published by New Africa Books
Ages 0-5
Looking to explain why we should preserve the environment to your kids? Then this is the book for you! I am Earth teaches readers the importance of looking after the earth through simple words and beautiful pictures.
► Read it here.

To Clean a Creek by Olivia Wood and Francine Tuczynski
Published by Worldreader/ Ashoka
Ages 6-8
Rhenan walks by the Araguaia River every day. On his walks, he notices trash littering the water and worries that it’ll harm the animals and families living nearby. This gives him an idea. What if he could mobilize the entire community to help clean up the river? This true story from the Ashoka Worldreader Changemaker Collection will empower all readers to take action and make their communities cleaner and safer.
► Read it in English here.
► Leer en español aquí.

The Fireflies After the Typhoon by Anna Kuo
Published by Voices of Future Generations
Ages 6-8
Big changes have happened in Tongyan’s village: the forest has been destroyed, the animals have disappeared and the children can’t play outside anymore. All because of bad decisions made by the adults! It’s up to the children to join forces and show everyone in the community that they can restore their environment and also their future.
► Read it here.

A Cloud of Trash by Karanjeet Kaur
Published by Pratham Books
Ages 6-8
There’s a giant cloud of trash over Cheekoo’s head making her the unhappiest girl in the world. The solution? Well, it turns out it’s been right in front of her this whole time! A Cloud of Trash will help young readers understand just how important it is to keep the environment clean.
► Read it here.
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