The Childhood Cost Calculator
By Worldreader
By Worldreader
One book can change a life forever. For Gianfranco from Ayacucho in Peru, a new story helped him write his own. School was hard for Gianfranco. He was getting in trouble more often than his peers, and he was told that he was causing issues for his teachers and his mother. However, when the sixth-grade … Continue Reading →
By Worldreader
By Rachel Allen
By Worldreader
Worldreader, World Vision, and GRADE partnered to review the CreceLee digital reading project as it pivoted during the COVID-19 pandemic towards home-based reading. Young students and their families received education at home exclusively through mobile technology and Worldreader’s BookSmart reading application.
By Worldreader
By Worldreader
Lima.- En el marco del convenio de cooperación con el Ministerio de Educación para lograr que ningún escolar abandone sus estudios y los continúe con las condiciones mínimas que merecen, la ONG World Vision Perú entregará más de 100 tablets con Internet a alumnos de escuelas rurales y urbanas de primaria y secundaria de Chancay y Huaral.
By Worldreader
By Julia