


Richard Atuti is the Director of the Kenya National Library Service. He's played a vital role in the success of the LEAP 2.0 project which brought digital reading to all 61 public libraries in Kenya.



When Kelvin’s small village received 25 e-readers from Worldreader loaded with 5,000 e-books, Kelvin took on a new role.

LEAP 2.0 Final Report


LEAP 2.0 Final Report

This report by Worldreader and the Kenya National Library Service shows the success of LEAP 2.0 and how the national scale-up of project LEAP provided librarians across Kenya the opportunity to put their unique spin on a digital reading project.

Project LEAP Final Report


Project LEAP Final Report

Libraries in Kenya using Worldreader e-readers with free ebooks saw monthly visits triple, revitalizing those libraries as hubs for information and knowledge.

Project LEAP Midterm Report


Project LEAP Mid-Term Report

As many as 10,000 people have been impacted by Project LEAP (Libraries, E-Reading, Activities and Partnership). Free ebooks on e-readers in libraries are increasing reading in Africa.

Project LEAP: Baseline Report


Project LEAP Baseline Report

The baseline report of Project LEAP (Libraries, e-Reading, Activities and Partnership), seeking to improve reading in Africa, was led by Worldreader in eight libraries in Kenya, and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.