Our Library

Our library ensures children’s lives are filled with quality, diverse books so they can reach their full potential.

A library that gets children reading early and often

Mother and Child reading on phone

Books handpicked for young readers

Our library brings readers aged 3-12 a wide range of children’s books to support their learning and give them the opportunity to develop a love of reading early in life.

A child reads with his caregiver on BookSmart

A broad selection for frequent reading

With over 3000 titles and several major and local languages in our library, we’re able to serve readers all around the world, as they develop a practice of reading regularly.

Books that improve a child’s reading comprehension

Our library’s broad range of books enables children to build all the skills that are foundational for improved reading comprehension and better learning outcomes.

Vocabulary: Readers improve the number of new words they know and understand, as well as their spelling and pronunciation.

Reasoning: Readers are better at predicting, summarizing and applying their new knowledge to their own lives or other subjects.

Background knowledge: Readers expand their topical knowledge through titles that include storybooks, fiction, non-fiction and rhyming books.

screenshot of My special word book collection

Stories and activities that foster a child’s emotional intelligence

The books and activities in our library help children develop the social and emotional skills essential for their overall development.

With every book, children become more self-aware, and learn to empathize and interact with others, including those from diverse backgrounds.

Books change lives

A single book can transform a child’s life. Here are three reader stories that remind us how important books are.

A child looks at the camera while wearing a mask he made

“I have learned important things. I have discovered places, people, and cultures,” says Josep, a student in Peru.

A woman holds her child while reading to her

“My oldest daughter has struggled with her self-confidence. One of the stories helped her improve her self-confidence a lot,” says Mayad from Syria.

A child smiles at the camera while holding a Worldreader tablet

“I love reading as I get to learn new characters with every story,” says Sitaram from India.

Discover our library collections

Book cover in Ukrainian

Rapid Response Ukrainian Collection

Spanish book cover of 'A veces es brillante'

My Special Word Collection

English book cover of 'The Sisters' Mind Connection'

Gender Equality Collection

English book cover of 'The Voice of an Island'

Conservation & Ecology Collection

English book Cover of 'Learn about Children's Rights'

Equity & Inclusion Collection

A few of our publishing partners